Michael Robert Greenfield from Boca Raton, Florida, a former securities broker associated with Oppenheimer & Co. Inc., is subject to an arbitration claim involving an investment, wherein the customer is seeking damages of $200,000.00. The claim includes accusations that (1) Greenfield (2) violated his fiduciary responsibilities, (3) breached the contractual duties with the customer’s account, and (4) that Oppenheimer did not adequately oversee Greenfield’s transactions in alternative investments, specifically in master-limited partnerships in oil and gas. This is outlined in the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Arbitration Number 19-00297, dated May 7, 2019.
FINRA‘s Public Disclosure confirms that Greenfield was identified in five disputes relating to customer-related investments relating to allegations of misconduct during the period in which it was employed by the GMS Group and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. In particular, Greenfield is the subject of a complaint relating to investment initiated by the customer and arranged to resolve allegations of unsuitable municipal debt investments sold to the customer while Greenfield was associated with Morgan Stanley.
Another arbitration claim relating to investment relating to Greenfield activities for damages of $35,000.00 was prepared based on allegations that the stockbroker had breached fiduciary obligations to the customer through his inappropriate municipal debt investment proposals. FINRA Arbitration No. 14-02439 (April 7, 2015). In addition, an arbitration claim relating to investment in Greenfield transport at $ 15,000.00 was settled in damages based on allegations of closing closing funds and structural notes proposed by the stockbroker when employed by The GMS Group LLC. FINRA Arbitration No. 15-00677 (September 17, 2015).
Reference is also made to the Greenfield in a written investment-related complaint which was set for $ 10,000.00 on 31 May, 2017 supported by allegations of false or misleading statements being made in respect of the mutual funds sold to Greenfield with the customer. . On 14 June 2017, another customer submitted an arbitration claim relating to investment in Greenfield transport when the customer requested $ 147,334.00 damages based on allegations of contractual obligations during the period in which Greenfield was associated with Oppenheimer. , Morgan Stanley and the GMS Group. infringement; transactions made in the customer account were fraudulent and unsuitable; and there was no supervision of the customer account as it related to the sale of the Ballyglass municipal debt. FINRA Arbitration No. 17-01558.
Greenfield registration was discontinued with Oppenheimer on 22 April, 2016. Since June 6, 2017, it is registered with Newbridge Securities Corporation.
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