Atos stock

Atossa Therapeutics Stock Dips (NASDAQ: ATOS)

Biopharmaceutical stocks are all the rage these days with investors. Atossa Therapeutics (NASDAQ: ATOS) is a promising stock in the sector that investors shouldn’t ignore.  So what is going on with ATOS stock?

Over the 52-week period, ATOS has traded in the range between $0.8100 and $9.8000 with the day’s trade being in the $3.7800 – $4.5700 range. The traded volume on Friday was 21.16 million shares, fairly close to the longer-term daily average of 21.69 million shares. At $4.18, it was sitting on a gain of 1.7% for the day.

Despite a sub-par performance in recent weeks, having lost 49% of its value over the past month, it is sitting on a staggering 340% gain for the calendar 2021 thus far. It has been one of the major gainers this year.

Atos stock
Atos stock

Buy ATOS stock on the dip?

Despite the recent decline in the stock, is there a bright future up ahead for Atossa that investors could buy into during this dip?

The short answer is maybe. I personally like ATOS stock and currently do not own any mainly to risk. However, if you have a high risk, this could be a potential buy.

Though no news about the company has appeared in the last few days, earlier in the month it had announced receiving the required regulatory approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee for a clinical study into AT H201 to be started in Australia.

The object of the study is inhalation therapy for critically ill Covid-19 patients. It has been a subject of discussion that the therapy under test could have wider application and might also be useful for patients with other pulmonary conditions.

Atossa Therapeutics Inc (ATOS)

Atossa Therapeutics has dedicated its research to developing novel therapeutics and new delivery methods in breast cancer and other breast diseases. The breast health test ForeCYTE demonstrates a 10 year and lifetime breast cancer risk for women over the age of.

ArgusCyTE provides information to assist with breast cancer screening options and to monitor the potential recurrence of breast cancer. The company was formed in December 2008 by Steven C. Quay and Shu Chih Chen and is housed in Seattle Washington. It is based on Atos A Therapeutic Research & Development Company that was founded.

Endoxifen Shows Promise to Treat Breast Cancer

Endoxifen promises to be beneficial to both prevent and treat breast. Researchers found that endoxifen (active metabolite tamoxifen) is safe in a phase I clinical trial. Early evidence suggests that it has anti-tumor activity.

“We achieved up to sixtyfold higher levels of endoxifen compared with endoxifen levels achieved with the standard dose of tamoxifen,” said Matthew P. Goetz, M.D., a Mayo Clinic Cancer Center oncologist who led the research. “We have seen evidence for tumor regression in patients who had failed standard hormonal therapies, including aromatase inhibitors, fulvestrant, and tamoxifen.”

Researchers gave endoxifen to 22 women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer who were resistant to standard hormone therapy in the phase I study. Even at 160 mg per day, the drug was safe.

Dr. Matthew Goetz from the Mayo Clinic said, “Endoxifen may turn out to be a better drug than tamoxifen,” Dr. Goetz said, “and not just in patients who have limited CYP2D6 metabolism. This is something that has to be prospectively tested.”

COVID-19 programs

It works with AT-H201 for severely ill patients by improving lung function and decreasing the number of minutes when patients are on ventilators and. AT-301 nasal spray for home use after diagnosis. A new initiative is underway by Atossa – in order to develop drugs for this disease which include the invention of nasal spray for at-home use immediately. The drug is used to reduce an infected body’s immune system to fight the virus effectively.

ATOS Stock Pivots

Pivot Classic Fibonacci Camarilla Woodie DM
S3 4.54
S2 2.47 5.13
S1 3.15 4.00 5.73 2.91 4.82
P 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.35 7.31
R1 9.64 8.96 6.91 9.40 11.31
R2 12.97 10.49 7.51 12.84
R3 19.46 12.97 8.10 15.89
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